Celebrating Christ's gift of salvation, our grateful worship of God guides the three-fold mission of Sharon Presbyterian Church: Invite All Seekers, Teach the Gospel, and Serve Human Need.
Sharon Presbyterian Church is partnered together in mission with the following organizations:
Roof Above, The Salvation Army Center of Hope, Room In The Inn, Food Donation Connection, CROP Walk, Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, Assist ME, Dahlia Grove, American Red Cross, Charlotte Rescue Mission, Crisis Assistance, Samaritan House, and more.
There are many ways to serve right here on our beautiful 23+ acre campus. Be the first smiling face that people see as an Usher on Sunday mornings. Like a good grandparent, love holding babies, and then handing them back? Volunteer as a Nursery Worker. No one should ever feel forgotten by their church family. Serve as a Shepherd and reach out to our members who are not as active as they once were.
There are so many ways to offer your time, talent, and tithe. Contact the church office for more information and to learn more about how to get involved with a particular ministry.
Sharon Presbyterian Church helps to support the ministry of Chenoa Stock, PCUSA Mission Co-Worker in Peru, serving with the Evangelical Church of Peru and the Joining Hands Peru Network, and Frank Dimmock, serving as an Africa Mission Specialist with The Outreach Foundation. We are a sponsor of Puriyninchik, a Christian partner promoting quality education of children, families, and communities to decrease social inequalities in the Andes of Peru. We also offer mission trip opportunities for youth and adults.
Photos courtesy of members Dawn Rogers, Bob Griffin, and other members of the Sharon Presbyterian Church family.