Sharon Presbyterian is a vibrant church with offerings for every age. There are activities that are meant to serve the congregation's needs, whether for spiritual growth, fellowship, or service. We offer many ways to be involved in the life of the church, to provide outlets for strengthening your faith and connecting with God.
Seeks to nurture the spiritual growth of all children, youth, and adults. Oversees Sunday School, Bible studies, our youth ministry, retreats, and Vacation Bible School.
Nurtures all aspects of care for the Sharon Presbyterian family. Coordinates bereavement receptions, our shepherd ministry, homebound communion, and more.
Supports all efforts to discern and participate in the work of the risen Christ in the world. This includes nurturing partnerships within our local and global communities.
Oversees the church budget and creates policies and procedures for all church financial operations.
Seeks to support the Sharon staff team by overseeing a healthy hiring process and ensuring a positive work environment. Supports seasonal staff gatherings and acknowledges special events in the lives of staff members,
For more information or to learn more about other ways to get involved in the life of the church, contact the Church Office at
Photos courtesy of members Dawn Rogers, Bob Griffin, and other members of the Sharon Presbyterian Church family.